Learn How To Paint ~ with Confidence

FREE 5 Day Challenge (20-24th May ~ Daily Painting Session ~ Online)

Perfect for beginners

✔️ Paint your own 2 masterpieces in ONLY 5 days - with Lucy's expert guidance.

✔️ Learn how to express yourself with more fun, freedom & playfulness

✔️ Learn how to build your confidence as an artist

✔️ All online - daily sessions in a private fb group - so you can catch up in your own time.

✔️ Learn about colour theory & the importance of contrast in a painting.

✔️ Practical steps ~ which brushes do what, the best canvases & paints to use.

What to expect over the 5 days!

Daily Painting Sessions

45 mins every day ~ Join Lucy's daily painting session & learn lots of tips.

Private FB Group

Access to a private pop-up facebook group.

LIVE evening sessions (2)

A chance for you to ask me any questions about art.

When you sign up you will be sent emails with the full information (You will also be added to my main mailing list)

You will be sent a list of suggested equipment to buy.

You will also be sent an email 10 days before the challenge starts with what to expect & how it all works.

You can catch up in your own time over the 5 days, & I will be leaving the challenge in the fb group for an extra 5 days!

What are you waiting for?

Hear what the previous ladies have to say!


We'll I've thoroughly enjoyed painting with Lucy. I have done Watercolours before from watching YouTube videos but hit a block and lost my mojo.

After seeing Lucy's work it inspired me to try Acrylics so when the 5 day challenge came up it was a no brainer.

I've loved it all so far..Lucy is a fun, knowledgeable,

awesome teacher whose humour is infectious.

She has taught me new techniques..the difference between a mop and a filbert..but most of all she has encouraged me to put my own touch to the paintings, to explore and to be bold and free!! I'm getting there Lucy Lou!!

The other eye opening experience she has bought my acute awareness to is the beauty of nature..I now look at the sky, clouds, trees, sea and see so much more than I used to and for that I'm truly thankful. Looking forward to continuing my journey in The Painting Room xx Thank you Lucy, you are a star


~ Mandy Gale

Having just finished Lucy Sheffield 's first Five Day Challenge, I have to say I'm suffering.

Suffering severe withdrawal symptoms!

It was such fun, incredibly supportive and definitely productive. It really brought excitement and enthusiasm to each day, with the highlight always being the live paint along at midday.

Loved it so much I joined The Painting Room immediately. Lucy teaches so naturally, not prescriptive at all. It's about learning the tools and techniques to go on and do your own thing.

Wonderful and such a refreshing approach! Bring on the next challenge! I'll see you there.

~ Joanna Lever

Lucy Sheffield is just so 'real' . After a friend shared her FREE 5 day painting


I've never enjoyed painting as much.

I've had a block with painting confidence and have not progressed further than a 'tight' realistic approach with watercolour and pastel pencils for decades.

Lucy has in just 5 short sessions given

me the skills and techniques to

unwind and start to leave that fear behind. Her bubbly, humorous, kind, caring approach put me at ease so quickly.

Still got 2 days and the seascape to do. I have watched the videos already and being able to do this is just what my brain needs.

I have joined her painting room as

it's just what the 'doctor' ordered. I'm rambling so basically it's a blast . Get on


~ Joolly Smith

Ready to begin your acrylic painting journey?

👇👇👇 Click below to join in the action 👇👇👇

Call 07890 972356

Email: daisybaileysaff@googlemail.com

Site: www.lucysheffieldart.co.uk

Copyright 2023 . All rights reserved ~ LucySheffieldArt